Julian Real Estate Agents sponsorship of Rick Dyer’s community yard sale will continue a long-standing Julian tradition. The multi-family yard sales are to be held on Saturday October 22nd 2016 at 8:00 AM. It is a FREE event and registration closes on October 13th. Participation is very simple – just complete the registration form and return it to Orchard Realty via email, fax, or bring it by before the deadline.
Julian, CA offers great Fall events such as apple picking and much more! The community yard sale is the perfect time to clean out the garage, closet, attic and to upcycle those items that are too special to throw out or give away. For all the ‘pickers’ out there this is a great opportunity to find those special treasures.
Steve & Deborah Kerch, owners of Orchard Realty, will be supplying one free sign to each participating household as well as advertising in the San Diego Union, surrounding community newspapers, and a map to all the participants’ neighborhood addresses. The signs will be available for pick up one week prior to the event.
This is a popular community event and Deborah commented, “It’s nice to see that some of the participants will be using this opportunity to raise money for their favorite charities, for example the Women’s Empowerment Group will stage their offerings at Wynola Pizza and last year over $1,400 dollars was raised for their cause.”
Historically there have been around 50 participants for this event and thousands of attendees. Because of the time needed to coordinate the advertisements and event logistics no late-comers will be accommodated, so get your registration forms in and get busy organizing and have FUN!
DEADLINE OCT. 13, 2016